IMDI History
The book, Skapa av Svampfärgat Garn by Carla and Erik Sundström and Miriam C. Rice, was published by ICA bokförlag in Sweden in 1984. The authors jointly decided to invest a portion their royalties from he book into the formation of a non-profit organization for educational purposes and the promotion of mushroom dyes. Thus, the INTERNATIONAL MUSHROOM DYE INSTITUTE was established in 1985.
The IMDI was founded to encourage the use of fungal pigments and to further research on their extraction and employment; to encourage research on cultivation of especially desirable fungi; and to financially aid artists and researchers to participate in the international symposia and exhibitions.
IMDI Board History
The board of the IMDI has been very stable over the years. The first meeting in 1985 included Miriam Rice as Chairperson, Mary Cardiff as Treasurer, Susan Tanaka as Secretary, Dorothy Beebee, and Michael Crofoot. In 1988, Andrea Marks replaced Susan Tanaka as Secretary, and TigerLily Jones replaced Michael Crofoot. In 1998, Nancy Denison became Secretary, Andreya Marks became Vice-Chair, and Dorothy Beebee became Historian & Newsletter editor.
Current IMDI Board
As of 2023, the board is made up of:
Felicia Rice, Chairperson
Dorothy Beebee, Vice-Chair and Historian
Nancy Denison, Treasurer
Julianna Schleuder, Secretary