Workshops in Mushroom Dyes, Polypore Papermaking, Felting, Shibori, Eco-Printing, and Coiled Basketry all using mushrooms, were all taught in the Fungal Fiber Arts Program at SOMA CAMP in January 2016.

“Dye Your Own” (a.k.a. Monday Morning Madness) workshop where the participants dyed their own yarns with the mushroom dyes left over from the dye classes at SOMA Camp 2016.

We dyed with Cortinarius smithii Omphalotus olivascens, Gymnopilus spectabilus, Pisolithus azhirus,Phaeolus schweinitzii, Hypomyces lactifluorum,and went wild experimenting with pH changes using white vinegar and ammonia!!
Photos copyright by Kris Nardello, Margot Thompson and Lisa Waterman
All rights reserved. (This Website page was updated December 10, 2017)