IFFF Spain – 2017 and 2019

International Fungi & Fibre Newsletter 2019

SPAIN Gran Canaria, the Spanish Contingent

Last year’s mushroom season in Gran Canaria was especially abundant in Gymnopilus penetrans and G. spectabilis as well as the always generous Pisolitus tinctoreus. We put up a demonstration on Fungi dye during the local mycological fair held by the Sociedad Micológica de Gran Canaria where we showed off what we learned and did in Norway. We are still working on the book on Nilia Bañares’s experience dyeing with mushrooms that will hopefully be finished by next year. We would like to make a call out to any natural dyers in Spain working with fungi. Our email is tintesconhongosES@gmail.com

Photo of Nilia Bañares by Palma Christian.

Newsletter#2 from Spain 2012 ~ by Nilia Bañares & Maria Noelle

We are keeping busy,preparing the Symposium. We want to try to dye with vegetable linen & cotton fibes. It takes some time to prepare/mordant the fiber, but we are getting good colours, of course not so strong as with wool or silk, but it is a challenge. This year was very poor as we have not had enough rain or humidity but we hope next October will be a good one. I have participated last November with the Mycologist Society of Gran Canaria, we dedicate a week every year to the Mushrooms World, I participated with my samples of dyes from Fungi.

We are very busy organising the Symposium and we are receiving many calls so we hope for the best of it.

With best regards, Nilia

List #1 from North of Spain by Marie Noelle and Anna

“not all of them give strong colours but we have used them”

Amanita caesarea – amarillo

Amanita muscaria – ( solo la cutícula) amarillo-anaranjado

Auricula Judea – amarillo-beige

Boletus erythropus – amarillo muy flojo

Calvatia gigantea – verdes claros

Cantharellus cibarius – amarillo

Clavariadelphus truncatus – lavanda ligero

Chalciporus amarellus – amarillo

Cortinarius atrovirens – amarillo

Cortinarius croceus – amarillo-anaranjado

Cortinarius malicorius – amarillo-naranja

Cortinarius sanguineus – rojo

Cortinarius rufoolivasceus – verde flojo

Fomes fomentarius – amarillos – marron

Fomitopsis pinicola – amarillo flojo

Ganoderma carnoso – verde

Ganoderma lucidum – verde muy fuertes

Gomphidus glutinosus – marron

Gymnopilus junonius – amarillo

Ganoderma carnoso – verde

Ganoderma lucidum – verde muy fuertes

Gomphidus glutinosus – marron

Gymnopilus junonius – amarillo

Hapalopilus rutilans – violeta

Hydnellum caeruleum – gris azulado

Hydnellum ferrugineum – gris verde

Hypholoma fasciculare – amarillo brillante

Hapalopilus rutilans – violeta

Hydnellum ferrugineum – gris verde

Hypholoma fasciculare – verde profundo

Laccaria amethystina – resultado nulo por tener un solo hongo

Laetiporus sulphureus – amarillo ligero

Lepista nuda – resultado nulo

Meripilus giganteus – marron

Omphalotus olearius – amarillo verdoso

Paxillus atrotomentosus – verde fuerte

Phaeolus schweinitzii – amarillo luminoso

Phellinus pomaceus – amarillos

Phellodon níger – verde gris

Pictoporus betulinus – sin interes

Pisolithus tinctorius – marron anaranjado . muy bueno

Sarcodon imbricatus – verde, gris , negro

Sarcodon squamosus – verde intenso

Strofaria aeruginosa – verde claro

Suillus bovinus – beige

Suillus variegatur – verde tierno

List #2 Canary Islands Fungi -many are the same as in Spain


Bonista nigrescens verde

Cantharellus cinereus : amarillo

Craterellus cornucopioides : amarillo ligero

Cantharellus rubescens : amarillo ligero

Calvatia fragilis ; verde claro

Fistula hepática : verde

Gyromitra esculenta : verde muy claro

Ganoderma applanatum

Gymnopilus penetrans :amarillo

Lactarius semi-sanguineus :gris verdoso

Hydnum rufescens : amarillento

Hydnum repandum : amarillo claro

Hydnellum aurantiacum ; verde fuerte

Hydnellum caeruleum

Hygrocibe cônico : amarillo verde claro

Phellinus torulosus : verde

Panerochaete sanguineo : marron rojizo

Polyporus cinabarinus : verde

Postia fragilis (Oligoporus caesius) :verde – gris

Trichaptum abetinum : beige verdoso

Volvariella bombycina : beige claro



NEWSLETTER #1 – 2011

Poster from Spain presented at the ISEND Conference in La Rochelle, France, by la Sociedad Micologica Tintórea


I was in la Rochelle, it was very well organized as many as 530 assisting and a very busy program full of interesting news and ,of course, colours.

WE presented as la Sociedad Micologica Tintórea, a Poster on “ Mushrooms also for dyes”. There was not a real Presentation as there were as many as 74 different posters. But on Fungi it was only ours. I have dyed with mushrooms collected in the Islands. The Ganoderma cfresinascens grows in my garden, I have plenty of them..

Ganoderma cfresinascens Photos © Nilia Bañares

Pisolitus tinctoreus, we get a lot by the Eucalyptus trees, Gymnopilus spectabilis and Boletus grows quite well in the woods up in the mountains. Phaeolus schweinitzii and Inonotus hispidus we get in the woods also.

I have dyed with natural vegetal fibres ,linen, cotton and it takes very well also.

In La Rochelle there were many workshops on : murex, indigo (many), saffron a beautiful job done by the Japanese.

Pisolithus arhizus Photos © Nilia Bañares

There was only one man from Malaysia working with Pisolithus arhizus, a huge exemplar he says it grows by the roots of the Eucalyptus giving beautiful browns.

We are taking notes from many little big things for the Symposium in 2012. We keep your logo, as they did for Sweden and we add our logo from our card in Spain. We are working in the web-site, Anna is in charge in Barcelona and we hope we will have it ready soon.

We will keep in touch. Much love to you and all the best

Nilia Bañares

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