It was a glorious week together and such fun to spend time with like-minded friends who all share a passion and love for fungi and fiber. Thank you to all participants for making the symposium such a special, memorable experience for all of us. Collectively everyone brought their talents, creativity, and curiosity to the symposium to make it a vibrant and collaborative experience.
The IMDI awarded the 2022 IMDI Travel Grant to Diāna Meiere of Latvia. Read about Diāna and the full history of the IMDI Travel Grant with accounts of recipients’ experiences.
Click on the video below to experience the symposium. Thank you to Zoe McDonnell of @History Science Fiber for creating this wonderful video about the symposium. It’s the next best thing to being there!

We hope to see you all in the Canary Islands for IFFS 2024!
Much Love,
The IFFS Planning Team
(Alissa, Tess, Kristi, Anna & Julie)
Instagram: @fungi.fiber.2022